Alexandria VCE Situational Analysis Survey

Virginia Cooperation Extension (VCE) Alexandria is seeking your input. Every five years, VCE conducts a needs assessment to determine critical educational programming needs for the citizens in the city of Alexandria. VCE is a partnership between Virginia’s two land grant universities: Virginia Tech and Virginia State University. The city of Alexandria VCE office provides programming in Agriculture and Natural Resources, 4-H Youth Development, Community Viability, and Family and Consumer Sciences. VCE agents, program assistants, and volunteers work to assist farmers, empower youth, guide responsible resource management, and advance the wellbeing of all Virginians.
As Alexandria VCE plans and designs its programs, it is important that VCE is addressing the issues that are most significant to the city of Alexandria families and youth. This is your opportunity to provide your opinions on the most critical issues in VCE programming areas or otherwise.
Below are links to a survey that allows you to prioritize various issues for the city of Alexandria and to provide your feedback. The survey should take approximately 10 minutes. If you would like a paper version of the survey, please contact the Alexandria Extension Office at (703) 746-5546.
By completing this survey, you help VCE direct its resources toward educational programs that will improve the lives of the city of Alexandria citizens and most benefit the county.
Survey Link:
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