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    assortment of vegetables
    Virtual Nutrition Classes - Clases de Nutricion , article

    Join Virginia Cooperative Extension to learn some nutrition tips and recipes in celebration of National Nutrition Month! !Una serie de clases de nutrición y cocina para celebrar el mes nacional de la nutrición!

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    two women in business attire talking
    Money Talk for Women , article

    A series aimed at enhancing financial literacy and empowering women to make informed financial choices.

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    JOIN OUR 4-H CLUBS TODAY! , article

    The 4-H Nature and Animal Club is starting! Meetings are the 2nd Thursday of the month at Buddie Ford Nature Center, 7-8pm (ages 9-18). The 4-H Cloverbud Adventrue Club is ready to explore all different topics! Meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the John Marshall Libray, 5:30-6:30pm (ages 5-11). Is there a club you're interested in but not listed? There are no limitations to club projects - it can be anime, model trains, dogs, rocketry, theater, robotics, etc. 4-H is opportunity for ALL!

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    4-H SUMMER CAMP graphic, yellow sun, blue sky, green mountains
    4-H Summer Camp , article

    Come join our nationally-ranked and accredited 5-day, 4-night 4-H camp in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains (Front Royal, VA) - scenic, quiet, and away from the hustle and bustle of the DC Metro. Click below for dates and registration information.

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    spotted lanternfly on a leaf
    Spotted Lantern Fly , article

    The spotted lanternfly (SLF) is an invasive insect that poses a threat to over 70 different plant species, including some fruit trees, vines, and ornamental plants. The SLF is spreading in Virginia and is already present in Western and Northern VA.

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    community pattern
    Alexandria VCE Situational Analysis Survey , article

    Virginia Cooperative Extension is completing our 5-year situational analysis. Please contribute your insights in less than 10 minutes on how we can better serve Alexandria.

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    Summer Camp Counselor Registration Now Open!
    Summer Camp Counselor Registration Now Open! , article

    Apply today to become a 2023 4-H Summer Camp Counselor and receive 100+ volunteer hours. Increase job readiness skills such as leadership, public speaking, self-motivation, and more.

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    Master Gardener
    Master Gardener , article

    Plant or gardening question? Please contact our Master Gardener help desk at (703) 228-6414 or

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    Soil Test Kits
    Soil Test Kits , article

    If you are looking for soil test kits, we have plenty in stock outside our office and are available to you during Lee Center open hours.