Virginia Cooperative Extension Alexandria homepage
Article ItemVirtual Nutrition Classes - Clases de Nutricion , article
Join Virginia Cooperative Extension to learn some nutrition tips and recipes in celebration of National Nutrition Month! !Una serie de clases de nutrición y cocina para celebrar el mes nacional de la nutrición!
Article ItemMoney Talk for Women , article
A series aimed at enhancing financial literacy and empowering women to make informed financial choices.
Article ItemJOIN OUR 4-H CLUBS TODAY! , article
The 4-H Nature and Animal Club is starting! Meetings are the 2nd Thursday of the month at Buddie Ford Nature Center, 7-8pm (ages 9-18). The 4-H Cloverbud Adventrue Club is ready to explore all different topics! Meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the John Marshall Libray, 5:30-6:30pm (ages 5-11). Is there a club you're interested in but not listed? There are no limitations to club projects - it can be anime, model trains, dogs, rocketry, theater, robotics, etc. 4-H is opportunity for ALL!
Article Item4-H Summer Camp , article
Come join our nationally-ranked and accredited 5-day, 4-night 4-H camp in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains (Front Royal, VA) - scenic, quiet, and away from the hustle and bustle of the DC Metro. Click below for dates and registration information.
Article ItemSpotted Lantern Fly , article
The spotted lanternfly (SLF) is an invasive insect that poses a threat to over 70 different plant species, including some fruit trees, vines, and ornamental plants. The SLF is spreading in Virginia and is already present in Western and Northern VA.
Article ItemAlexandria VCE Situational Analysis Survey , article
Virginia Cooperative Extension is completing our 5-year situational analysis. Please contribute your insights in less than 10 minutes on how we can better serve Alexandria.
Article ItemSummer Camp Counselor Registration Now Open! , article
Apply today to become a 2023 4-H Summer Camp Counselor and receive 100+ volunteer hours. Increase job readiness skills such as leadership, public speaking, self-motivation, and more.
Article ItemMaster Gardener , article
Plant or gardening question? Please contact our Master Gardener help desk at (703) 228-6414 or
Article ItemSoil Test Kits , article
If you are looking for soil test kits, we have plenty in stock outside our office and are available to you during Lee Center open hours.